Nature on the IOL Board

‘Nature on the IOL Board’

The IOL Trustees agreed in February 2024 that as a charity we are required to go beyond the activities that simply avoid harm to Nature and work towards a net-positive approach and integrated sustainable action.  Currently the IOL Trustees are working on a project to create its own exemplar model of ‘Nature on the Board’.

The Trustees are mindful that Outdoor Learning fosters the connection that leads to respect and care for the natural world, an appreciation of biodiversity and sustainability, and pro-environmental behaviours.  The Trustees recognise that Outdoor Learning Professionals are ideally placed to influence and educate those we come into contact with, children and adults, about climate change and biodiversity threats, impact and possible solutions.

‘Nature on the Board’ implies a new approach by the Trustees – a sustainability-based view of the IOL, and a recognition of the full value of Nature, and for this view to be at the heart of charitable governance.

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