Outdoor First Aid

First Aid Competence is an essential part of operating as an outdoor learning practitioner. The Institute for Outdoor Learning recognises and supports the provision of Outdoor First Aid training that is delivered at the appropriate level, by trainers with outdoor knowledge and assessed in a fair and relevant way.


Outdoor First Aid Training Standards

IOL Outdoor First Aid Training Statement v3.1 August 2020.png


This Statement of Good Practice covers training courses specifically designed to cover the requirements for providing First Aid in an Outdoor Learning context. It provides guidance for establishing need, course design and structure, course delivery and trainer and training provider competence and describes five outdoor first aid training bands.

The following organisations have reviewed and support the content of version 3 of this IOL Statement of Good Practice:

  • British Canoeing (now PaddleUK)
  • Mountain Training UK
  • The Mountain Training Board Ireland
  • British Cycling
  • Royal Yachting Association
  • British Association of International Mountain Leaders

Outdoor First Aid Accreditation

Aligned & Accredited First Aid Courses

Aligned First Aid Course Providers

IOL First Aid Alignment recognises IOL Member Organisations whose First Aid provision matches the relevant band as described in the IOL Statement of Good Practice in Outdoor First Aid, produced in conjunction with Paddle UK, Mountain Training, Mountaineering Ireland, British Cycling, Royal Yachting Association (RYA) and the British Association of International Mountain Leaders.

Aligned Course Badges for IOL Organisational Members

To obtain an IOL Aligned First Aid Course badge, join the Institute as Organisational members then download and sign the self-declaration and email with a copy of your course scheme of work (training programme) PLUS details of your trainer/assessor qualifications to [email protected]. The Institute will work with an exernal quality assessor to verify course content and trainer qualifications are aligned and will confirm with logo & certification.

IOL First Aid Aligned Band 3 logo (1).png 1


IOL First Aid Aligned Band 2 logo (1).png


Outdoor Learning Course Accreditation (optional QA process)

Individual First Aid Training Providers that have completed an IOL Quality Assurance process will display the IOL Accredited Course badge on publicity material and certificates.

IOL Course Accreditation demonstrates a course is relevant to outdoor instructors, teachers and leaders and offers assurance that the course includes a clear aim, learning outcomes, assessment for learning and is delivered by knowledgeable trainers.

Assessment Principles

The First Aid Awarding Organisations Forum (FAAOF) have created a set of relating to assessment of Outdoor First Aid training to meet the IOL First Aid Training Statement of Good Practice. The assessment principles cover:

  1. Occupational competence of trainers/assessors
  2. Quality Assurance
  3. Sources of evidence to be maintained and made available to External Quality Assurers


Membership of the FAAOF is open to Awarding Organisation/Bodies that are recognised/accredited by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales, SQA and/or CCEA to offer First Aid qualifications. The Institute for Outdoor Learning acts as guardian of these Outdoor First Aid Principles on behalf of the FAAOF.

Summary of Outdoor First Aid Training Bands

Summary of Outdoor First Aid Training Bands

Courses Aligned to IOL Outdoor First Aid Training Standards

Courses where the provider has completed a self-declaration and the Institute has checked the course content and trainer qualifications are aligned with the Statement of Good Practice on Outdoor First Aid Training.

IOL Band 2 - One Day.png
IOL Band 3 - Two Day.png

Accredited Outdoor First Aid Course Providers

Individual First Aid Training Providers that have completed an IOL Quality Assurance process demonstrating the course is well designed, outcomes are clear and assessable, content is aligned to IOL Statement of Good Practice, and delivery is relevant for outdoor learning professionals.

Accredited Outdoor First Aid.png



Courses Aligned to IOL Outdoor First Aid Training Standards


Outdoor First Aid [1 Day]


Outdoor First Aid 1 Day Courses



Outdoor First Aid [2 Day]


IOL Band 3 First Aid Courses.png


Accredited Outdoor First Aid Course Providers


Accredited Outdoor First Aid Course Providers


Help Shape Future Revisions

The IOL Statement of Good Practice is seen as an evolving document that responds to the demands and needs of the sector, as well as guidance from HSE and other relevant bodies. The current version (3.1 August 2020) is an evolution from a series of development meetings and discussions with a range of first aid training providers and awarding bodies that began in Autumn 2015.

The Institute is open to supporting an Outdoor First Aid Training Research or Professional Discussion Group to guide future revisions to this statement if there is support from within the membership and wider sector. Please get in touch with your comments.


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