Leading Practitioners of the Institute for Outdoor Learning (LPIOL) are champions of outdoor learning and have a depth of experience and evidence of influencing the wider sector beyond their workplace or specialist interest area.
Leading Practitioners of the Institute for Outdoor Learning (LPIOL) are champions of outdoor learning and have a depth of experience and evidence of influencing the wider sector beyond their workplace or specialist interest area.
Accredited Practitioners of the Institute for Outdoor Learning (APIOL) have a passion for outdoor learning and have experience planning, leading and evaluating programmes for individuals and groups. The APIOL Award recognises the holistic skills and knowledge of professionals who deliver outdoor learning programmes.
Registered Practitioners of the Institute for Outdoor Learning plan, prepare and lead safe and engaging outdoor learning sessions to achieve intended outcomes.
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IOL Coaches and Assessors support candidates to achieve their goal of being Accredited by the Institute for Outdoor Learning and hold an RPIOL, APIOL or LPIOL award.
Course accreditation with the Institute for Outdoor Learning assists instructors, teachers, leaders and managers of Outdoor Learning in identifying quality courses that are relevant to their needs. It helps providers demonstrate their CPD event, FE/HE course, or staff training programme is well designed, and fit for outdoor learning professionals.
A quality mark for resources that can support effective outdoor learning. Resource accreditation with the Institute for Outdoor Learning assists instructors, teachers, leaders, managers and the general public in identifying quality resources that are relevant to outdoor learning.
The National Outdoor Learning Award scheme (NOLA) recognises and captures the personal development outcomes of participants during a residential or regular outdoor learning experience.
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