Outdoor Learning & Youth Work

Outdoor Learning and Youth Work play a vital role in supporting the holistic development of young people. By providing a cross-sector convening space, the Outdoor Learning Youth Work Sector Specialist Group (OLYWSSG) will act as a forum for organisations and individuals at a strategic level to identify areas for collaboration and at both a strategic and practitioner level share and build on existing good practice.  
Outdoor Learning Youth Work Sector Specialist Group (OLYWSSG) members will be encouraged to openly discuss common practices and challenges, to champion the development of recognised approach(es) that use outdoor learning and youth work practices.  Through subsequent partnerships and collaborations, we will be able to build a better picture of what is happening from a cross-sector audience that ultimately will deliver better outcomes for young people and help improve equitable access.  

Membership can be outdoor learning or youth work practitioners, decision makers or representatives from stakeholders’ organisations/sectors, for example education or health who have a common purpose; To collectively work towards an environment where 'outdoor learning youth work practice' becomes fully recognised and is utilised as a valuable part of the ecosystem that develops young people’, to promote equitable access to outdoor learning experiences that support young people with their personal, social, and educational development and helps to improve wellbeing.

Free to IOL members and Concessionary Rate for Youth Worker/Other Sector professionals.


UK Youth - Funded Summer Jobs 2025


 The Outdoor Learning and Youth Work Group has the following OPEN meetings scheduled for 2025/26 The Outdoor Learning and Youth Work Group has the following OPEN meetings scheduled for 2025/26

The OPEN meetings will be held on Zoom and anyone working in sectors with young people is welcome to join.  

The meetings can be accessed using the links below.  

The meetings aim to grow the community of cross sector leaders and practitioners who support outdoor learning youth work for young people, to strengthen capabilities, knowledge and connections.  We want to work together to embed high quality and evidence informed cross- sector practice within a variety of professional contexts.

Additionally, the Outdoor Learning and Youth Work working group (a closed group for IOL members looking to drive the Outdoor Learning and Youth Work agenda) will be meeting online on the following dates.

  • 6 Mar 25
  • 5 Jun 25
  • 9 Sep 25
  • 9 Dec 25

Existing group members have already been invited to these meetings, but anyone interested in joining the OLYWSIG working group, should contact Sharon Mackintosh at [email protected].

Youth Work and Teaching Toolkit - National Youth Agency Youth Work and Teaching Toolkit - National Youth Agency

About the Toolkit

Youth work and teaching: Lost in translation? is a new toolkit, which aims to strengthen collaboration between youth workers and teachers by building shared language and understanding for partnership-working to support positive outcomes for all young people.

Written for practitioners and those commissioning interventions for young people within schools, academy trusts and colleges, it explains how youth workers provide additional capacity and expertise for addressing many of the complex issues young people are facing with examples and case studies of effective partnership working.

Building on the NYA’s independent review of the impact of youth work delivered with schools which resulted in their Better together: Youth work with schools report published in June 2023, the resource responds to the rise in persistent absenteeism since the pandemic, with an absence rate in state funded secondary schools of 8% during the school year 2023-24, unmet mental health and SEND needs, and pupils whose families are experiencing poverty that may have difficulty engaging with learning due to the stress of the challenges they are experiencing.

Learn more...

National Youth Agency's third annual National Youth Sector Census report National Youth Agency's third annual National Youth Sector Census report

The NYA are pleased to share the link to the National Youth Agency's third annual National Youth Sector Census report published today, as well as the press release.
The report highlights that the voluntary and community sector (VCS) continues to fill the gap of increasing need. Over two thirds of organisations stated that meeting this need is their second biggest challenge, with the first being an increase in operating costs. In particular, the demand for mental health support has increased more than any other targeted service, with demand increasing amongst 82% of organisations. 
A few other highlights include:
  • Around two-thirds of organisations report an increase in demand for support responding to violence and crime.
  • Around two-thirds (64%) report an increased demand in services addressing employment, training and skills for work.
  • Twice as many youth sector organisations operate in the most deprived areas, with demand greatest in areas of high deprivation.
  • Almost two-thirds (62%) offer activities for educationally or economically disadvantaged young people – up 9% from last year. 


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About Us

Collectively working towards an environment where 'outdoor learning youth work practice' becomes fully recognised

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Members Area

Here you will find key information, resources, and discussions

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Networking & Events

Book here for courses, conferences and events listed through the IOL

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Who will benefit?

  • Young people
  • Outdoor Learning and Youth Work practitioners
  • Local communities and wider Society by utilising local resources at a more strategic and operational level when working in a young person’s local environment.
  • Leaders and managers across multiple sectors
  • IOL as leaders in this arena

How will they benefit?

  • Better strategic approaches to problems
  • Good practice 
  • Better use of resources 
  • Better youth engagement with outdoor learning
  • Better recognition 
  • Better opportunities to access multi organisation funding: 
  • Better cross sector working for Young People


  • Better positive outcomes for young people
  • Improved Practitioner Practice
  • Better ross sector integration and partnership working


Will you join us in Championing Outdoor Learning?

Belong To The Leading Network of Outdoor Learning Professionals

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Summer Jobs – Employer fully paid programme

UK Youth are reaching out to employer organisations who might be interested in supporting our latest government backed, transformational employability programme by providing 5-week work placements (which are fully paid for by the programme) to young people across London, Greater Manchester or West Midlands.
The programme aims to dramatically reduce violence across the UK while driving positive educational and employment outcomes for marginalised young people who otherwise wouldn’t have access to these life-changing opportunities.
Taking learnings from proven successful models delivered in the USA and using our extensive expertise in this space, the programme has been designed to engage those most at risk of violence.
We are actively seeking partners who can offer 5-week work placements (which as mentioned above, are fully paid for through the programme) this summer across London, Greater Manchester and West Midlands. The programme offers a really unique opportunity to support young people who desperately need these opportunities through a programme which provides dedicated support, both for the young person and the employer, from a fully trained youth worker for the duration of the placement. We know from our experience of delivering similar programmes, and learnings from the American model, this additional support is crucial to the success of the placements and significantly increases the positive outcomes for both young people and employers.
If you are interested in this programme and would like to have a discussion or have some questions you wish to be answered please contact Millie Ginnett, [email protected]