Alternative Provision

The aim of this group is to support, resource and provide a voice for those providing alternative education in the outdoors.  This group consists of practitioners who have passion for the outdoors and understand the impact that engaging with nature can have on children.  We recognise the need for our members to provide planned activities which track a child’s social, emotional and mental health development that supports their educational development in their formal education placement. 

The OAEG will provide support to those members who provide activities within the education framework of the definition of ‘Alternative Provision’ as set out by the Department for Education (2016) which …… is education arranged by local authorities (or schools) for pupils who, because of exclusion, illness or other reasons, would not otherwise receive suitable education; education arranged by schools for pupils on a fixed period exclusion; and pupils being directed by schools to off-site provision to improve their behaviour.

Activities provided will either have their origins based in the outdoors (indoor climbing, indoor archery, etc) or based in an outdoor setting. They will understand the educational value of the activities they provide in the broadest sense and will provide pathways of learning that can be recognised by others.


Why are we here?

The Alternative Provision landscape The most common type of alternative provision is a pupil referral unit (PRU): a school that caters for children who aren’t able to attend a mainstream school. Around a third of pupils in alternative provision attend PRUs. Other types of alternative provision include: •Therapeutic farms •Forest schools •Outdoor learning centres •Sports facilities •Hospital schools •Animal-assisted therapeutic centres •Vocational and practical courses like car mechanics or hairdressing (The School Run 2024)"

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About Us

This group consists of practitioners who have passion for the outdoors and understand the impact that engaging with nature can have on children and young people..

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