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Place a Job Advert

Job adverts appear on the IOL JobSite listed in category pages and also on a full list of all job adverts.

We tweet new job adverts and now also post about new job adverts on the regional IOL Facebook pages. All job adverts also appear on the IOL Free App.

Avoid delays in placing your job adverts by keeping your IOL Organisational membership up to date and renewing on time.





How to place a job advert

Features of the IOL JobSite:

Logo inclusion on the website and on the Twitter post

If needed job adverts can be set to go live on a specific future date and at a specific time

Keep track of the number of your advert views in its view count.

Searchable categories also now include the UK area, salary scale, full time or part time status etc.


Send an email with all of the following to Fiona at IOL

  1. Please send your advert un-formatted (e.g no boxes or images or columns) Word document or in the body of the email. We are unable to accept PDFs, JPGs or other types of document. Sending a job advert in other ways may delay placement.
  2. Mark your email subject as Job Advert
  3. Quote your membership name and IOL organisational membership number. See below if you are not an organisation member of IOL.
  4. State the listing category for each of the job/s which you are advertising: (Management/Leadership, Instructor/Teacher/Leader, Freelance/Seasonal/Self-employed, Volunteer Opportunity, Worldwide, Admin/Sales/Catering/Hospitality/Grounds). Viewers to the site can search under categories.
  5. Send us a JPG or PNG of your logo so we can include it in the web listing and on Twitter.
  6. Your job advert wording. Please also clearly specify:
  7. - Category
  8. - Job title
  9. - Organisation name
  10. - Is the job full time/part time
  11. - Is the job permanent or temporary
  12. - Salary or hourly/day rate
  13. - Job location
  14. - Closing date*
  15. - Contact information/links/how to apply

FINALLY .... Please check the details of your job advert carefully prior to submitting it. Queries about a listed job advert might mean a delay in it being listed.

*Closing Dates. Applications with no closing date will default to one calendar month from the posting date.

Once an advert has been removed after its closing date a re-listing is considered as a new advert. We will not be able to list job adverts with a closing date of further than 3 months from listing date.

New Job Adverts get Tweeted and posted on the IOL Jobs + Careers Facebook page.

ORGANISATION Membership Job Advert allocation

Please note that some of these benefits have been amended from October 1st 2022. All organisation memberships include a capped*, reduced rate job posting fee of £100 per advert (normally £200).

LEVEL 1: 2 FREE Job Adverts (worth £420 per year)
LEVEL 2: 4 FREE Job Adverts (worth £840 per year)
LEVEL 3: 7 FREE Job Adverts (worth £1,470 per year)
Satellite Centre of Current L3 member: 1 FREE Job Advert (worth £210 per year)

* Capped discount job posting fee per annum (after current job allocation is fully used) Level 1: 5, Level 2: 10, Level 3: 20, Satellite: no reduced fee.

Adverts for un-salaried Volunteers - 1 FREE per year for IOL Organisational Members and any non-members.

Job Adverts for Non IOL Member are also welcome
If you are not an organisational member of IOL we can still place your advert for a fee of £210 - contact Fiona by email to book the job advert and request an invoice, or call 01228 564580 to pay by credit/debit card.

Job adverts will be placed on the JobSite on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Adverts received before noon on a Wednesday should be placed that week. Occasional circumstances mean that we cannot guarantee to place adverts within this timescale, e.g if we have queries about the job advert or they are not in a usable format to copy. We can pre-place adverts to go 'live' on a specific date - please request this when sending your advert.

Terms and Conditions

Up to 7 FREE job adverts for IOL Organisational members.

Non members pay £200 per advert.

IOL Organisation Member job advert allocation:

  • Level 1 Member Organisation - 2 free job adverts (worth £420 per year).
  • Level 2 Member Organisation - 4 free job adverts (worth £840 per year).
  • Level 3 Member Organisation - 7 free job adverts (worth £1470 per year).

If the post advertised is a Volunteer/Trainee/Apprentice category job you will be able to place 1 of these per membership year free of allocation depending on your level of membership.

* Capped discount job posting fee per annum (after current job allocation is fully used) Level 1: 5, Level 2: 10, Level 3: 20, Satellite: no reduced fee - contact the IOL Office for information.

Cancelled or unpaid membership. If you pay your organisational membership by Direct Debit and you cancel this payment part way through your membership year, or your membership is unpaid paid on invoice, you will incur the standard charge of £200 for each job advert you have placed against the membership year to date. Any listed job adverts will be removed from the website.

We can only accept job listings from emails sent directly from the organisation placing the listing against their membership allocation or from an advertising agency representing an organisation.

Re-listing: Once an advert has been removed after its closing date a re-listing is considered as a new advert and needs all information supplying to us again.

Alteration or removing a job advert before the closing date: If you need to amend your advert or remove your advert before its original closing date we can only do so with an instruction via email and which quotes the listed job title and closing date.

Guidance for writing a job advert

Recruiting new staff is a costly process. Here at IOL we see hundreds of job adverts in the outdoor learning sector. We often get asked for advice on putting together an advert, so here are a few ways to ensure your outdoor job adverts attract the best quality candidates.

The essentials to include in your job advert:

  • Clear job title
  • Good, brief copy advertising the job (not describing it)
  • What experience / qualifications required
  • Career opportunities and benefits
  • Salary level or band
  • Your logo or other relevant image
  • Your webpage/contact details and link to job
  • A clear response process with deadline

Try to avoid:

  • Using a full job description or person spec in the advert – you can link through to that on your website.
  • Using jargon as research shows this can put people off
  • Writing too much text about the organisation

Remember you are advertising your job; trying to sell it to the right people, so avoid just posting a job description. You can also create impact through style; think of the layout of your job ads. Using bold text and bullet points to catch the interest of the reader quickly. (If you are writing it for the Institute for Outdoor Learning jobsite, remember you can’t include text formatting, so focus on your copy content!)

When you receive a CV from a candidate you want the facts. Remember it is the same for someone looking for a job. Initially they want the hard data, salary, job description etc. Try not to go overboard in explaining how wonderful your organisation is, they can always Google you if they are interested.

Be creative with your wording

You are allowed to be creative and even use some humour, but be careful. Keep it relevant and to a minimum. Used sparingly it can convey that your organisation is serious in its business but is run by interesting people, but it is easy to get this wrong. Avoid requesting ‘a sense of humour’ as it can indicate that the job itself is a joke…

Also avoid phrases like “competitive salary” and “great job prospects” as they have become meaningless. Be original and honest. The last thing you want is to take on a great candidate only to find they are disappointed with the job they’ve landed and then leave!

Don’t discriminate

UK law is very clear. You must not discriminate against anybody in relation to disability, race, gender, sex or age. For example you cannot say you are looking for a young person to fill the vacancy or “she or “he” would be ideal etc. See for more info.

Stipulate the qualifications/experience required and leave it at that. If you are clear about the job and what is involved you will be approached by the right candidates.

Advertise in the right places!

Make sure you place your advert where your potential candidates are looking! It is very easy to spend a vast amount of money on advertising outdoor jobs and receive poor quality candidates in return.

For the Outdoor sector, the IOL job site is usually the first place people look. Receiving on average 50-60,000 page views per month, you can ensure that the right people are seeing your job advert. At just £200 per ad it is very competitively priced. Oh and it’s FREE if you are an organisational member!

Best of luck with your recruitment in 2024

Visit the JobSite Now



Advertise in Horizons

See Advertising in Horizons, where you can download the brochure with advertising rates.

Place a course listing

How to Place your Course Listings:

Standard listing (date / title / venue / organisation name / cost / phone, email and web links).
FREE for IOL Organisational Members (includes title/date/provider/cost/phone number/email and web link).

Highlighted listing Includes all the above PLUS up to 300 words of descriptive, plus a post on the IOL X feed.
FREE for Accredited IOL Courses
£30 for IOL Organisation members (per single listing).
£50 for IOL Individual Members or non Members (per single listing).

If you are paying for a highlighted listing, please send up to 300 words of descriptive. You can also send a logo to include (PNG, JPG). Please also supply a purchase reference etc and who / where to invoice.

We will endeavour to list all Courses/Events within 3 working days of receipt. 

Please send all the information below by email or unformatted Word document to Fiona in the order listed:

Course/Event CATEGORY (one of: First Aid / Bushcraft or Forest School / Professional Development / Conference or other)
Course/Event TITLE (if you are listing the same course on various dates please list once with all dates and venues noted)
Precise DATE/S of the event (start + end dates) The start date for listing events must be within your current membership year.
VENUE and TOWN and POSTCODE of the event 
COST of the COURSE/EVENT + COST to IOL Members (if offering a discounted rate)


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