Environmental Standards

What responsibility do Outdoor Learning Professionals have to sustain our climate and biodiversity?

The Outdoor Learning Professional is ideally placed to influence and educate those we come into contact with, children and adults, about climate change and biodiversity threats, impact and possible solutions.

As a professional a certain level of competency and accuracy is expected, you can only deliver this if you are up to date with the latest scientific advice and can use this creatively to make a positive difference.

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Sustainable Practice - Future Footprints

The goal of Future Footprints is to develop an understanding of, and desire to achieve, a sustainable future environment on our planet through engagement in Outdoor Education

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Nature on the IOL Board

The IOL Trustees agreed in February 2024 that as a charity we are required to go beyond the activities that simply avoid harm to Nature and work towards a net-positive approach and integrated sustainable action.  Currently the IOL Trustees are working on a project to create its own exemplar model of ‘Nature on the Board’.

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