Stopping Abuse and Harassment in Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning can have a profoundly positive impact it has on people’s lives—it is unacceptable that anyone should be deprived of their right to enjoy the outdoors safely. Organisations must take all measures necessary to ensure every individual, regardless of background or circumstance, can participate in Outdoor Learning without fear of inter-personal violence, abuse or harassment - this includes course members, instructors, coaches, and all staff.

This session will look at safeguarding through the lens of sport and include:

  • All abuse is rooted in abuse of power - what are the circumstances that lead to some people being more vulnerable than others?
  • Human Rights, Codes of Conduct and thresholds for taking appropriate action - criminal, safeguarding and disciplinary
  • The global perspective and the International Safeguards for Children and Adults in Sport
  • Sources of (free) online training for you and your staff
  • The role of organisational culture in making sport safer (and free assessment tool).

Aimed at: Supervisors, Managers and Leaders

Host: Neal Anderson

Neal Anderson

Neal Anderson

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