FAQs about End Point Assessment

What is end-point assessment?

When the apprentice has completed all their on-programme learning, to achieve their Apprenticeship Standard and completed their minimum duration in training. An appointed End Point Assessment Organisation must independently assess the end point assessment.

What are KSBs?

These are the Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours of the apprenticeship Standard, are covered by the employer and training provider during the on-programme or in-training phase of the apprenticeship. This is to ensure the apprentice is competent and ready for End Point Assessment in their specific occupation.

Who does the independent assessment?

The apprentice would have been registered with an Ofqual approved End Point Assessment Organisation who have Independent End Point Assessors, that are experienced in the occupational area and qualified assessor

What is an assessment plan?

There are various references to an assessment plan for apprenticeship,

  • The assessment plan with the Apprenticeship Standard refers to the document that sets out how the Standard will be End Point assessed, which assessment methods are used, and the timescales involved in End Point assessment.
  • This can be found on the Institute for Apprenticeship and Technical Education website Apprenticeship search / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education

We also use the term “assessment plan” when the independent assessor has received evidence from the apprentice in the form of

  • a portfolio,
  • presentation or project

that needs to be reviewed for the assessor to plan the end point assessment professional discussion, interview, or questions. This plan can be shared with the apprentice on the areas of the KSBs that they will cover, it will not have the specific questions or discussion points that the apprentice will be asked at their EPA.

What is the apprenticeship gateway?

This is a process when the apprentice has completed all on-programme learning and achieved any mandatory qualifications as part of their Apprenticeship Standard, typically English & maths at Level 2 or equivalent. The employer and apprentice, sometimes with the training provider review the apprentices learning to ensure they have achieved competence in the Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours of the Standard.

What assessment methods are used?

Each of the Standards have their own assessment methods, and there is usually more than one assessment methods to confirm the apprentice’s competence in the depth & breath of the Standard.

Assessment Methods are,

  • Observation - the independent assessor will observe the apprentice in their workplace undertaking tasks as part of their normal duties.
  • Practical assessment – Involves the independent assessor observing the apprentice undertaking set tasks or a series of tasks, otherwise known as Skills tests or practical assessment test.
  • Multiple-Choice question test – A series of question in which the apprentice is asked to select the correct answer.
  • Written Test – consists of a series of questions which the apprentice is required to answer using short or long answers responses.
  • Professional Discussion – a two-way discussion between the apprentice and independent assessor, structured around previously submitted evidence.
  • Interview – the independent assessor asking a series of questions, structured around the KSBs and evidence previously submitted.
  • Presentation – the apprentice presenting to an independent assessor on a particular topic, it is followed by an interview, Q&A session.
  • Portfolio/logbook – a collection of evidence gathers on-programme that is used as the underpinning evidence for other assessment methods, such as Q&A.
  • Project – the apprentice will complete a significant and defined piece of work. This can involve written reports, work-product evidence.


What is the minimum time on programme before an apprentice can take the EPA (End Point Assessment)?

Each apprenticeship Standard has a “typical duration”, your training provider and employer will complete initial assessment to decide how long each individual needs to be on programme to achieve competence in the KSBs. There are rules regarding the funding for the apprenticeship that specify a minimum duration.

Where can I find EPA examples?

In2assessment have exemplar material available for the apprentice, employer & training provider to support the preparation for EPA, these can be supplied at appropriate stage of on-programme learning for individual Standards. The training provider would have developed suitable resources to also support the apprentice and employer.

How to prepare for EPA?

Make sure you have a copy of the Standard that you have been working towards, have regular meetings with your employer & training provider to review your progress against the Knowledge, Skills, and Behaviours.

I had help with my apprenticeship as I am dyslexic, can I have help with my EPA?

We have arrangements for Reasonable Adjustments, your training provider or employer would make us aware of your individual circumstances and we will be able to apply the adjustments required. If you use specialist equipment during your on-programme training, we will collaborate with you to ensure you have this available for your EPA.

What happens if I do not feel well on the day of the EPA?

There are processes in place to deal with these situations, your employer and training provider will be able to speak with you and the independent assessor, who will know our procedures and will be able to put in appropriate arrangements if they are required.

What to expect?

The preparation prior to EPA, involves the apprentice meeting with their employer and training provider to ensure they are ready for EPA and pass Gateway.

Professional and competent independent assessors, who know and understand the industry you work in, and collaborate with employers & training providers to ensure End point assessments are conducted in a comfortable environment to give the apprentice the best opportunities to successfully complete their apprenticeship.

What are the EPA assessment delivery methods?

  • Paper-based – delivered on paper to access or gather evidence of KSBs, can be logbooks, assignments, tests, etc.
  • Computer based – computers are used for assessing knowledge & behaviours, can be online tests.
  • Face to face – Independent assessor attending the assessment location to conduct interview, professional discussions, observations, and skills-test.
  • Remote – using technology such as video conferencing, webcam, Teams, or Skype to complete assessments, such as interviews, professional discussion.
  • Product based – when the apprentice is required to create a product/working model for assessment, primarily used for projects.

What type of questions you may be asked?

Questions that the independent assessor might ask, will be relevant to the KSBs of the assessment method, these will be open & probing and in context of the evidence provided by the apprentice. They will not be academic. In2assessment have regular standardisation meetings and compliance checks to ensure the questions used are appropriate to the Standard and at the right level.

How can you show off your knowledge, skills, and behaviours?

Knowing the KSBs and being confident about the skills and knowledge developed during on programme learning, ensure professional behaviour.

  • Ask questions about any concerns prior to the assessment starting.
  • Ensure any evidence you provided prior to the assessment you are familiar with, have a copy available and can answer questions/discuss your KSBs.

How are apprentices graded?

The Apprenticeship Standard has a grading scheme, applied to each assessment method and the overall apprenticeship.

  • Pass
  • Merit
  • Distinction
  • Fail

What happens if the apprentice fails the EPA?

Depending on the individual Standard it might require a re-sit of one assessment methods or a re-take of all assessment methods. Discussions will be on an individual basis, with your employer and training provider.

What if I do not agree with the grade or outcome of my EPA?

End Point Assessors are committed to providing a high-quality learning experience for all their apprentices and undertake to treat each apprentice fairly and consistently. All employers and apprentices can enquire about, or appeal against, assessment or other decisions. Apprentices will be provided with the information and timeline at your registration.

How are end-point assessments quality assured?

Experienced quality assurance teams will review completed EPAs (End Point Assessment), observe independent assessors conducting assessments and hold regular meetings to ensure the consistency of assessments. Every independent assessor has a detailed induction to ensure they are conducting assessments fairly and consistently.

How will I get my certificate?

When your assessment is completed the End Point Assessor will complete their quality assurance, check that they have your written consent to claim your certificate from the Apprenticeship Service and make the application. Your certificate goes directly to the nominated person at your Employer or Training Provider.


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