£10 IOL for everyone and incl lunch

Bringing together outdoor learning providers in the East

Theme: Making Choice a Reality

9.30am – 3.30pm

Catering: Lunch included (dietary info required - please note your needs in the 'dietary requirement' box when booking.)


- Arrive Tea/Coffee 0930-1030

- Introduction, Key Note Speaker talk, IOL update, other sector updates

1030-1200 Morning - Option 1 OR 2

Option 1 (instructors). Practical activity sessions in High Ropes, MTB or similar (take part, reflect, feedback, share ideas)


- Option 2 (management). Management meeting – small workshops on a variety of topics to include Choice Theory, OEAP, Nature Based Theory

1230-1300 - Lunch 13

1500-1530 Afternoon - Option 3 OR 4

Option 3. Practical activity sessions continued


Option 4. Management walk and talk – topics to include; apprenticeships, freelance staff network in the East, accessibility set ups, instructor qualification courses

- Everyone meet back for summary and end of 1530

After you have booked and paid we will contact you to ask you to let us know specific dietary requirements.