Free to IOL and AOT members
AOT Webinar Series:
Monday April 7th 19.00-20.15pm
‘From the Clinic to the Woods’: Occupational Therapy and Outdoor Therapy
Hosted by Trisha Dowling and Kate Lawes.
This session will explore the journey of two occupational therapists work from a Mental Health Day hospital into the Woods and Beyond …They will provide a summary of how Occupational Therapy practice works in an outdoor environment as an example of how occupational therapy can be transferred into practice in the outdoors! If you are an occupational therapists this will provide a space to reflect and dialogue with other occupational therapists. If you are not an occupational therapist come to find out more of what this type of work entails. Overall this session will help explore the important role of occupational therapy in the developments of inclusive approaches in outdoor therapy.
Free for AOT Members